A Little Piece of Heaven

This past Sunday we did a fireside for the missionaries at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, and it was such a choice experience. There were many genuine people there who have both feet on the ground in the gospel. That’s a hard thing to do in the times we live in. There are so many things that we have to weigh carefully so as not to offend, it seems as if we are always walking upon fragile glass. But there is no glass when you drive through the gates at Adam-Ondi-Ahman. There is a shift and everything is calm and peaceful. When you walk the trails at the different sites you have moments that your mind can claim as its own, to drift and ponder where it will, and have a private conversation with the Lord. This is where, no matter what you are going through, you can breathe in the air, feel the Spirit, and find some healing. Does it solve all of your problems? Of course not, but you leave knowing that even though you’re going back to a world of trials, the Lord is with you always, and He will help you through it. It has been such a blessing in many ways to do our firesides for the past sixteen years and we look forward to doing them for many years to come, but it is nights like this one that give us more strength to push forward. If you have never been to Adam-Ondi-Ahman, the time is now! Go and have a wonderful experience in a peaceful valley.