
Two weeks ago we had a surprise snow, the heaviest of the winter. We thought spring had come because we had experienced some days of nice, sunny weather and temperatures ranging in the upper 60’s, then suddenly, on a Sunday morning, it started; a snowstorm hit and did not stop until we had a good six inches of snow. I was not upset about it, I love snow; however, I was quite ready for spring.

Toward the afternoon I went to the kitchen sink and looked out at all of the little birds looking for food. I noticed that their feeder was empty, so I rushed to the utility room and got some seed to put in the feeder. After about fifteen minutes it was surrounded by a deluge of birds of many different colors; even a woodpecker swooped down, chasing the rest of them away so that he could have full range over the feast. I grabbed my camera and took some shots because they were all so pretty with the contrasting color of the snow.

As I snapped frame after frame, I began to notice something. These birds were not just foraging for food, they were also looking for raw materials to build their nests even though the temperature was freezing and the snow was falling heavily. I watched them in amazement, captivated by their activity. I watched one get some food then fly into the bushes, emerging with strands of building material to take to its destination above the lantern shaped light attached to our house.

Nature is an amazing teacher, these birds know what time of year it is and what needs to be done and they do it, no matter what obstacles are cast down upon their path. We are so unlike nature, so easily moved from our paths and destinations by unexpected storms. Today’s world pulls us in so many directions that we seem to give up far too soon when we actually have it within us to keep going; we just need to round up our shoulders and move forward. I learned a lot in those few moments; each bird taught me something about preparedness, survival, and the need to keep moving forward—always. Just keep moving no matter how many storms come because at length the Lord will give you the sun and all will be well, but if you do not move the storm will consume you.