The Value of Growth

Photograph by Kimberly Jo Smith

I often hear the saying, “God will never give you more than you can handle,” in fact, I have heard several say it when they pour their hearts out about trials they are experiencing. It seems to bring a measure of comfort to some, but to others, it is confusing because they feel they are going through much more than they think they can handle.

The other day I heard someone remark that the saying is the adversary’s way of deceiving us; a Christian meme that has been making the rounds for some time but that is in fact a falsehood. I began to research the origins of the saying and found many interesting articles, one of which had the following to say:

“People who say this are usually trying to encourage someone who is suffering or facing a difficult situation. They usually have 1 Corinthians 10:13 in mind. ‘ “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” ‘ While the intention to encourage others is good, they are twisting Scripture to make it say something it doesn’t.” (1)

The more I thought about what this article had to say, the more it made sense. Of course God allows us to take on more than we think we can handle! As the article states, He offers a path that will enable us to endure it, and after having gone through the trial, we grow stronger and learn from the experience. How would we grow if we were not engaged in overcoming obstacles and challenges? This taught me to appreciate the struggles I have gone through in the past. Although they were not very pleasant, I can look back and see how my Heavenly Father helped me gain strength through His son, Jesus Christ. I learned so much about myself through every experience, that if I have the faith and courage to reach out to Him, He will always be there.

When we look upon the past history of The Church; the pioneer journals, and the oral histories, we find endless accounts of the trials and suffering that our ancestors endured. Each account is etched with a golden vein of faith that leads to a heart of spiritual strength that could only be built from those trials. Every time they overcame, they became stronger. Such was the case with every faith-based heart that preceded them, from the time of Adam and Eve and onward.

It is so important to study the scriptures and journals of our pioneer ancestors. It is just as important to do our own journaling in these times so that those who come after us will have something of value to turn to when they encounter obstacles and challenging times. I am so grateful to have living apostles and a prophet to lead and guide us in these times; to have scriptures that are filled with stories of those who overcame trials and suffering through faith and endurance.

It is a certainty that we will indeed have more than we think we can handle. As one page of trials turns to another, the pages of the scriptures will help us to learn, grow, and endure–all with the Savior by our side, if we turn to Him.
