Ever since I was young, my mother taught me the value of listening to the Spirit; that when you are drawn somewhere, you must follow it even if it doesn’t make sense. In time I would find that it made sense later. This is faith; following a prompting without evidence that the path you are on is leading to some place sound. Tying this into genealogy throughout the years, I have found so many joys from following promptings. There were many times when I would meet and come to know someone, then feel very drawn to know more. I would soon learn that meant to check and see if we were related and the answer most of the time was yes. However, sometimes they were not related, and I continued interacting with them because I knew there was a door somewhere in that path that would open. The doors that opened in these relationships were paths for people who were not of our faith to have a better understanding of what we believe, coming to see us in a different light than what society and history has revealed to them.
Anytime I become acquainted with people who aren’t members of our faith, there is a span of time that passes before they know what church I belong to and then even more time before they know that Joseph Smith is my great-great grandfather. Why? Because I learned when they know that first, the caution signs go up and they keep a distance without getting to know me. Their first reaction is shock because I am so far removed from what they envisioned a “Mormon” to be. It always makes me wonder if they ever bothered to really get to know one. However, after they get to know me and then find out my faith and relation to Joseph, they begin to ask questions and what follows are long discussions about what we really believe, and I find much happiness in clearing up their misconceptions about Joseph due to false narratives.
At that point they are not ready to believe what I believe, but they are not afraid of it anymore. This breakdown is the beginning of healing fractures of the heart and mind. As we speak about the questions they have, they come to the conclusion that we are not so far apart from what they believe aside from temple work. I recall a neat conversation I had with one lady, and she asked me about temples. This led to a discussion on the levels of heaven and I told her where that can be found in the Bible but she already knew about it! She said, “Oh yeah, I know about that. I am trying to do my best and hope to at least be in the lowest kingdom of heaven.” I wanted to say so much to her about the plan of salvation but something said to hold back and take it slow. The important thing is that their fear was gone. So far, everyone at my work place who have asked me questions are less rigid toward the church, this process is breaking down generational walls of hatred and bitterness.
I have always known that part of my role on earth is to bring healing, not just to members of the Church but to everyone. It is something that many are involved in, an effort that has been ongoing for generations. I continue to be fascinated by the many peoples and cultures my journey has introduced me to. In all of these meetings, I try to bring a sense of happiness, joy, laughter, and camaraderie. To me, the overall goal is to bring them to Christ, to learn of Christ, and to strive to be like Him. No matter what faith they belong to, when they accept Him, He will lead them where they need to be.
As time passes I am becoming active with people of other faiths from all over the world. Our discussions will consist of the value of harmonious and respectful discussions about our beliefs with the emphasis of love for one another and healing the world. In these discussions I will speak of Christ and His teachings as well as the Restoration. As I continue to meet people in my community and beyond, I will express love, joy, and peace in every mannerism of my speech, shaking hands, and from my countenance in hopes their hearts might be touched. This is my way of casting the net and bringing hearts unto Christ. Many hands are on that net. It is so important to keep deepening the relationship between ourselves, the Savior, and Heavenly Father, which in turn will help us to be more aware of the Spirit and more discerning in our hearts. As such we will be led to those who need healing. I pray that we all maintain our health and strength in these times. I’ll leave you with a poem that I wrote some years ago. Have a blessed week!
The Prayer
Heavenly Father
Lift me up unto Thy grace
That I might find encouragement
As I travel place to place
That I might grow with every meeting
That fear and doubt are moments fleeting
Give me strength, Father, when I am weak
Give me a voice that I might speak
Increase my knowledge so to teach
That I might serve those who I reach
Gracious Father be with me
That I may love and honor thee
That I can bring the harvest in
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen