Oftentimes when I am inspired to write something, especially poetry, it comes out of left field, and I have no idea where it will end up. This one in particular hit me hard. When I began writing it, I was addressing the state of our world and society today but within a few lines, it became the perspective of someone who had lived long ago when times were simpler, more respectable, and as a whole more in tune with the Lord. I knew as I kept writing that this would be what someone felt if they had been resurrected and experienced the impact of the world as it is, or if someone had come from the past into the future. Either way, I felt the full impact as I wrote. Many tears streamed down my face as my fingers moved furiously on the keyboard. I wrote this the day after I had an amazing dream that involved President Uchdorf speaking of the return of Christ and how important it is that we reign in our focus where it should be, using all of our gifts and talents to teach of Christ, lift those around us, and embrace one another.
I cannot bare the scene
Laid out before my soul
Is this what once was and now is?
How have we thus diminished?
I sink to my knees in sorrow
I remember much more light
I recall a depth of etiquette and grace
Of respect and value there is little trace
Where do I now go?
What will I see tomorrow?
I fall and stumble in weeping
I wake and stir in sleeping
What is this pain?
What is this death?
It is too far reaching
For my ancestors knew it not
Despite the woe and sorrow
That may have rolled before them
Like thunder in the night
They knew the bond of friendship and kin
Could prevail any storm
They embraced true teaching
So many fractured ties
So many broken hearts
How do we gather the multitude of pieces?
They lay scattered like a mosaic covering of the earth
Each piece crying for its own justice
How can this be reconciled
My cries echo through generations
Yet in my sorrowed and dreary state
I cannot be overwhelmed by it all
For we have been told of this through ages
These are all but stages
This is known in all nations
No matter if it stirs the heart to grieve
We have known one truth
That all of the broken hearted
Can be mended and healed
Embrace without waver
And all joys and bonds can remain in hearts
If we turn to our Lord in all things
He is the light that keeps us from going mad
From all of the madness which surrounds us.
Turn your heart to the Savior
Love it !! I cannot wait !
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to future entries.
Thanks, sorry I didn’t see this until now. For some reason I didn’t get a notice of it…I. will have to check the settings. Miss you being so close to Nauvoo!