Balance: The Challenge in Our Times

“What was once before was once before and may not ever be,
What is, is now and what you choose, you will tomorrow see
But when tomorrow is itself and seems a dark abyss,
Remember it was you who chose and why today is this.” K.J.S.

Wise choices are so pivotal in our lives, and balance is key when it comes to having a clear head when we are faced with difficult situations or temptations. The choices we make truly determine who we are and what we become. As I have seen Facebook posts and YouTube videos of people violently protesting and anarchists attempting to break apart the foundation of our nation and constitution, I began to question where the balance in all of it is. After all, it is in the balance of all things one will find a solution and make wise choices.

Balance entails coming together, speaking minds even when we do not agree, being heard without yelling or trying to talk over who is trying to be heard. I was reminded that the Spirit speaks calmly and softly, even when we are being warned of danger. In contrast, the adversary speaks in anger, bitterness, loses his temper, screams, and is hateful. If you ever feel these things when venting or expressing opinions, you can bank on the fact that Satan is one step behind you urging you on. Even knowing these things, I am still perplexed concerning the situation we find ourselves in today. So how do we reconcile this?

I believe that balance comes in many ways. First we have to recalibrate our mental and emotional scales. This can happen in many ways. To me, therapy is something we all should experience sometime in our lives. I used to think that I dealt well with stress because I have a strong constitution. Whenever something hard or traumatizing happens, it is in my make-up to get up, brush myself off and get back on the horse, moving forward with intent and crying a bit on the way. After time I would forget about the rough patches, unaware that my body had stored the experiences to relive over and over like a scary movie. The outcome taught me that the affects of trauma and stress do not just go away because you wave them off, or suck it up as they used to say. No, in fact the body has to store it somewhere because it hasn’t been processed and released. It’s what it would be like if one never took out the trash; it would build up into a mess, stinking up and deteriorating its surroundings. In the same way, all of the negative energy from past sorrows took root in my muscles and digestive system, resulting in a menagerie of illness that could not be diagnosed because all of my test results were fine. Only through therapy can we peel through the layers and process emotional and mental struggles. By releasing their attachment we can move forward in peace. There are different avenues to therapy, even the Church offers counseling that is set up through your bishop. Find the path that works for you.

Secondly, mental and emotional balance can be achieved through exercise and meditation. Qigong and Tai Qi are two of many methods of relaxing exercise and meditation. Some instructors generalize their program theme so that all may feel welcome by using the universe as a focal point to invite healing and balance. One can easily replace “universe” with “Heavenly Father.” There are many other kinds of meditation formats available on YouTube. Choosing one that makes you feel comfortable and at peace while not going against gospel principles is key.

Thirdly, you really are what you eat. If you fill your body with junk, you will begin to feel like junk; heavy, no energy, and depressed. It is no different than failing to take proper care of your car. If you do not get it serviced regularly, things will get clogged and begin to break down. It is okay to junk out every now and then, I am speaking about how one eats on a daily basis. Make sure you are eating a nutrient based diet with lots of vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish. I love the Mediterranean diet the best but it is wise to choose a plan that works well with your body because everyone is different. Visiting with your doctor can help determine which eating plan works best for you. Try and walk a mile each day and work with weights a few times a week, even if it is just dumbells.

Fourth, enjoy yourself. Find things that you love and take time to do them. If you have hobbies you love but very little time to enjoy them, pick at least two times a month where you can squeeze your hobby in. You need to partake of your passions so as not to lose yourself. Connect with friends and have fun, attend church regularly so that you may receive a renewal of the Spirit and spend time with friends and family in worship. Try and go to the park or some place you enjoy once a week; touch base with nature. Connecting with nature is a gift that has been given to us, it is part of what grounds us and brings peace. Shut out the noise of the world, the stresses from work, and the chaotic turmoil of society. Ground yourself.

Lastly and most important, is scripture study, prayer, and not just meditation but mediation with the Lord. Partaking in daily scripture study and prayer can balance out your whole day from the beginning until you go to sleep at night. You may still run into struggles but you will find them easier to bear. There have been so many times when a scripture I had read in the morning, helped me resolve an issue later the same day. Also, your mind is very clear first thing in the morning, it is fresh and easily absorbs everything you listen to and read. Having such clarity allows you to be focused so that you are able to receive knowledge and inspiration from what you are reading. Prayer and meditation is key when communing with the Lord. I know there are situations where time is limited, but make time to ensure your prayer is not quick. Be thoughtful in your words; seek guidance, give thanks, leave room for silence so that you may hear Him. Mediation is an important aspect of our relationship with the Lord. Our Savior is the Great Mediator. Talk to Him, tell Him about your day as if He is your best friend. Tell Him your struggles and ask for guidance. He wants to be part of your life, invite Him in. He “lives to make intercession” for us (Heb. 7:25)

If you are feeling the impact of the noisy, imbalanced world we live in, find all of the paths available to achieve balance. Recalibrate your spiritual, mental, and emotional well being by growing closer to the Lord and inviting Him into your life in expansive measures. Meditate, engage in your passions, embrace your family, find reasons to laugh…if you can’t find a reason to laugh, make one. Lift one another, love one another. May your lives and hearts be blessed with peace in these times.