Managing the Scales

Why did you come here? To engage in trivial things that are worldly? To try to make some dent and gain recognition in the world? Or is it something much deeper but not transparent?

We are here to be in the world but not of the world. In that journey, we learn all that we can, not just knowledge from study but intellectual and spiritual growth that comes through experience; the kind of growth we undergo through trial, challenge, suffering, joy, and happiness. On that walk, we are to use our gifts, talents, and the knowledge that we’ve gained to help transform the lives of others who are struggling more than, as much as, and less than we are. We are here to show others and ourselves the importance of gaining as much spiritual light and knowledge as possible, ponder upon God’s word, and apply it in ways that change our hearts and the hearts of others. We are here to master the challenge of the first two greatest commandments to love God and to love one another. More than anything, in this time, we are here to help gather Israel and bring people unto Christ.

This is not just a time we were assigned to make something of ourselves but instead grow in the light of Christ and share that light with others. The war in heaven never truly ended. That war rages on inside of us and within the world, thus, we have come in these times as warriors from our Father. We are here in these times to help prepare ourselves for what is here and what is to come. That preparation involves lifting one another, loving one another, learning how to overcome grievances, forgiving one another, and exemplifying the pure love of Christ. This is why we are here. What we make of ourselves when it comes to the pure love of Christ, the gospel, and the light that we have in our lives, is what we will take with us when we leave. We are here to change hearts, including our own. We should learn from the mistakes of those who came before us and put those mistakes to rest, then magnify the good of those same people so that we may build upon the foundation laid before us.

In saying all of this, I am not discounting the importance of hobbies and careers. It is good that we find joy, passion, and growth in such ways, and we have been given gifts and talents to utilize in those endeavors which, by extension, help build relationships and lift and comfort others. It is a difficult balance, this being in the world but not of it. Sometimes the two can become blurred and it is hard to tell where the line is. As long as we know where our primary focus should be and we remain aligned with the Savior, it is a balance that can be maintained…or is it?

Balance is a tricky concept. I do not think I have ever come across anything that actually stays in balance on its own. It takes great effort and continual monitoring so that when the scale leans one way or the other too much it can be corrected. Living our lives in a way that the Holy Ghost is always with us and keeping that alignment with Christ is how we orient ourselves in times of adversity and confusion. I included on my 2024 vision board, goals to read all of the scriptures. I also committed to do this first thing in the morning because in that way I am fortified by the armor of God before I step foot out of the door to meet the world and all of the possibilities it offers, especially the adversarial ones! These are ways in which I will attempt to remain in balance.

In these times remember that Satan is aware of those who are for the Savior, We are cautioned to be watchful of all things and measure every encounter with discernment because, above all other dispensations, this is the one where the adversary has the most to lose. He is fighting hard and sparing no attempt to disarm and mislead us. We cannot let ourselves be impeded by his attempts to pull us away from where the Spirit has led us to be. Always follow the Holy Ghost, who trumps everything in this world and the balance will stay true.

The year 2024 promises to be one of great happenings as well as dark occurrences. It is the way every year preceding has been, only every year gets worse. However, it is a remarkable time to be living. If you are not in alignment with the Savior, start walking that way. Fortify yourselves spiritually so that you can be in the world and not of it with strength and not fear. Keep an eye on your spiritual scale so that you may recognize when it is veering to the left or right and remove what is causing the disturbance.

Why do you think you are here? Whatever the reason, take your gifts and talents and use them to bring light into the world. Let us collectively illuminate the world and bring light to each other. Let us lift hearts and unite one another in the love of our Savior Jesus Christ.