The Times

This past weekend, April 25-27th, we held The Women’s Retreat. It is an event that has been ongoing for many years now. My son and I took it over about eight years ago, and there was a slight pause when COVID-19 hit. Because of moving and health issues, it took time to start back up. We were happy that after four years we could start doing it again.

Every Nauvoo Women’s Retreat has been amazing. We have had guests that range from Alan Osmond to Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company, and many other individuals who have experienced good and bad major events in their lives. They come and share how they were blessed and strengthened through faith with every experience they endured. There hasn’t been one year that it has been disappointing in any way.

Starting up again was a challenge because we couldn’t use the venue we used the years before. We usually have everything ready to send out so people can sign up in October. But it took until January of this year to get the event pulled together. It was short notice for many, especially for finding speakers. I am generally not one of the keynote speakers, but I do a fireside on one of the evenings of the event. This year, however, I had to fill in because we couldn’t find a fourth speaker in time. It turned out to be a blessing.

I’ve been working on a book about forgiveness and the faith crisis in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter -day Saints that has been surging in past years. People are having a crisis for varying reasons. Some have lifestyles that cause conflict, some have a conflict with the church’s past history and leadership, and some have a conflict with the leadership of today. My primary focus is the issues people are having with history. The focus is on the importance of trying to process those emotions, find a place of forgiveness, and let those issues go, focusing on the missions we came to fulfill. As such, my talk was about the heart and the need to purify it in view of the times we live in and the times that are coming. The only way to live with our Father in heaven is to strive to have a purified heart. This includes having a heart of forgiveness. We all know it isn’t easy at all to reach that point. The Savior never said it was easy but the scriptures say it is necessary. I don’t have the answers to help everyone solve their issues of the past, but I do know that it is pivotal to find a way to process anger so it doesn’t turn to hatred and bitterness. That can mean something different for everyone; therapy, scripture study and prayer, meditation…whatever it is, find the route that works for you.

The other speakers were lined up for a specific theme, Overcoming Through Christ. We each spoke about traumas we have been through and how the Savior and focusing on the Holy Ghost helped us endure those experiences, making us stronger. My sister who is a convert also spoke of her journey out of lesbianism and abusive relationships. Another speaker talked of her life and how she has dealt with emotionally abusive situations including racism. The last speaker was an amazing therapist who rounded everything up by giving us tools to handle the pressures of the times that we live in and the times that are coming. She spoke of how to hold on to our faith and keep our family strong.

Although this retreat was thrown together quickly it turned out to be one of the most powerful. If anyone is interested in purchasing the talks send me an e-mail and I will get you the information. The proceeds go to support the retreat. As with my firesides, the retreat has become a mission of sorts. I do not get paid to do it, neither does my son. The speakers do not get paid, however, they do get the travel expenses and food paid as well as lodging. In other words, it’s a two-day, three-night trip to Nauvoo for them. So many speakers have been gracious to give up their time to come, and not having to pay anyone allows us to keep the cost of the retreat at a less expensive level so people who generally can’t afford to attend these events can come. We will have the information for next year’s retreat out by October. For information you can join the Nauvoo Women’s Retreat page on Facebook.

I am going to be busy putting together a podcast and getting this book finished so that I can use every means possible to get the message out about the importance of forgiveness. In my last blog post, I expressed the feelings that had been put to me by the spirit, that 2024 will be filled with many changes and challenges. I think we can all agree those things have already started but there will be more. One thing that’s been conveyed to me as I’ve been writing my book is that you can’t have your arms wrapped around the past for too long, because you can’t hold on to it and hold on to the Savior. This will also keep you from seeing what God has before you to do, so if you’re looking behind all of the time you won’t see what’s waiting in front of you.

There is a scripture that talks about our hearts failing us in the latter days. I used to think of it on a medical level, but I think it is more on a spiritual level because if our hearts are not purified, and we cannot get to a place where we can forgive one another, our hearts will not be able to handle the times that are coming. There will be much spiritual heart damage causing our spiritual hearts to fail.

In the past whenever world events seemed so bad, I would ask myself if things felt close to the end. The overall feeling was a calm that whispered it’s okay, just keep moving, it’s not quite yet. Now it feels like when you’re in an airplane and you know there might be trouble ahead because you can sense the way the airplane is acting. You wonder if something bad is going to happen but you tell yourself it’s okay once the wheels touch the ground you know you’re safe. But now it feels like that moment when we’re all buckled in and they’re telling us to brace. I am bracing, but I’m also aware of God’s word, “be still and know that I am God.” If we are aligned with Him and the Savior, and we are living our lives in a way that the Holy Ghost is always with us, all will be well. I’m grateful to have the gospel in my life and pray that everyone begins to look into their hearts, making sure that they are healthy spiritually and physically.

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