We will come to your town!
Healing the Ties that Bind is a seminar or fireside given by Kimberly Jo Smith and her son, Bryan Davis. Their time is spent sharing ways in which families can heal from issues of the past and present. Kimberly and Bryan speak at stake and ward levels, as well as smaller gatherings, such as family reunions, they also do youth events and Relief Society conferences. Basically, they speak to anyone and everyone who wants to have them come! Topics include why Emma Smith remained in Nauvoo, what divided the family, the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the journey from trauma and abuse to wholeness, and the importance of knowing one’s heritage, family ties and keeping them strong.
As descendants of Joseph and Emma Smith and converts The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Kimberly and Bryan feel a responsibility to share what the Smith family has endured since 1844, including showing the lengths the adversary will go to divide and destroy the family. They also share their conversions and how the miracles that have come through the healing power of the pure love of Christ is pulling the family together. It deals with topics such as abuse, division, contention and the damage that lies and misperception can do over generations. As a survivor of abuse, Kimberly feels it has been very humbling to help others.
The firesides are a nonprofit mission Kimberly and Bryan have been doing since 2000. They do not charge for the fireside for it is their mission and testimony and they travel to wherever they are asked. In 2010 they drove over 60,000 miles doing over 100 firesides and concerts, and the response from those who have suffered abuse and division in their families has been amazing.
“I have received countless emails conveying that our firesides, as well as my book, Rising Hills and Sinking Valleys, has helped put people on the road to healing, and to heal their family. We areĀ grateful for all of the feedback, though we give all credit for anything good that comes from our writing, music, or firesides to the Lord who gave us those talents, for it is to His work we apply them.” Kimberly Jo Smith
Kimberly and Bryan are always grateful to those who help in their endeavors. For information about donating please visit the donation page. Proceeds from any products on this site also go toward travel expenses.